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Daylight Photo Awards

Escolha do júri para o Daylight Photo Awards.

Takeki Sugiyama (Mt. Rokko Int'l Photography Festival, Japan): Tito Mouraz

“An uneasy story of unknown place. Tito’s work is inspired by the folklore of a haunted house, “House of the Seven Women”. The haunting story also projects his own darkest shadow in his mind, he says.

"In the series, people are looking at the photographer with cold faces. The broken house(s) and bleak buildings, trees, glasses and animals; all of the depicted objects made us feel the air of the legendary story vividly. Without knowing, the viewers were swiftly taken into the world of the story.

"Sensing the sinister air, we start looking around all the space in the pictures to seek some way out to free our own discomfort arisen by that. His photography is strong and very well balanced with no compromise. I feel that all of his works are truthful to the story, that making us almost believe in being of the witch. Of course, it shall be. He was born there.”


+info: Daylightphotoawards Website